The ultimate vision of the Metaverse is a decentralized, interoperable, persistent and sensory-perceptible digital ecosystem with unlimited user capacity. It will coexist with the physical world in both augmented reality (AR) and purely virtual reality (VR). The fully developed Metaverse will merge with real life and fundamentally change our society and the way we connect, work, live and interact with brands (see here).
Immersive Experiences — The "walkable" and "embodied Internet" will be the logical successor to the Mobile Internet.
About the Department
The Metaverse department is an expert forum for inspiration, interdisciplinary exchange and proactive engagement with this development in order to enable the experience of virtual spaces, new forms of value creation and collaboration, as well as the secure, transparent and controlled handling of data and digital objects – as promised by the DNA of Web3.
Our mission is to make the technologies and rules of the metaverse understandable for businesses, identify application areas and business models, as well as illustrate the associated ecosystem and promote a responsible and ethical metaverse. Additionally, Web3 will usher in a new era of the internet and create a decentralized digital landscape.
The ultimate vision of the Metaverse is a decentralised, interoperable, persistent and immersive digital ecosystem with unlimited user capacity. It will co-exist both in an augmented as well as a truly virtual version as an expansion to the physical world. The fully developed Metaverse will converge with real life and fundamentally change our society and the way we connect, work, live and interact with brands.
In various labs, our experts develop guidelines and provide guidance on dealing with the metaverse. In our Metaverse: Technology Lab, solution paths for entering the metaverse are offered to efficiently accompany the implementation of digital marketing strategies. The Metaverse: Economy Lab identifies application areas, business models, and the associated ecosystems. To promote a responsible and ethical metaverse, the Metaverse: Society Lab has been established. The Web3 Lab aims to showcase the influence of Web3 on the various areas of the Metaverse committee.

The core tasks of the lab are market education and providing solutions for the use of immersive technologies. Experts from the lab evaluate new technological devices (AR, VR, MR, Spatial Computing, etc.) and their areas of application, consolidating the perspective on advertising and brand strategy issues.
The derived application areas and business models are identified, and the corresponding ecosystems are outlined and classified. The lab’s publications and events offer guidance and clarification on how to plan and implement digital marketing strategies in this field as efficiently as possible.
Lab Leader
- Andreas Günter
Senior Consultant Mobile Strategy & Projects, Ströer Digital Media GmbH
Deputy Lab Leader
- Lea Pahne
Creative Strategy Lead, Demodern - Christian Weigel
Managing Director, Digitas Pixelpark
The metaverse, with all its possibilities, is also the subject of our social interaction. It is reshaping societies, changing the labor market and, just like the Internet, will be subject to legal regulation.
In order to promote a responsible and ethical metaverse, the Lab Metaverse: Society was founded. We take part in an open dialog, research and develop social and cultural frameworks and thus help to place the metaverse in the context of society as a whole. We provide companies with information, guidance and guidelines to develop and shape their own responsible approach to the metaverse.
Lab Leader
- Carsten Rossi
Kammann Rossi GmbH, Geschäftsführer
Deputy Lab Leader
- Daniel Zellmer
Digitas Pixelpark, Senior Strategist
Web3 will usher in a new era of the Internet and create a decentralized digital landscape. It will connect a large number of people worldwide and offer revolutionary opportunities for interaction, the exchange of values and the creation of new economic systems. With this in mind, Lab Web3 aims to identify and highlight the impact of Web3 on the different areas of Lab Metaverse and to inform, support and positively influence it through publications.
Lab Leader
- Achim Hepp
Head of Marketing, CNS E-Business Academy GmbH
Deputy Lab Leader
- Tobias Flosdorf
Client Service Director Digital, MUTABOR Technologies GmbH
Web3 will usher in a new era of the Internet and create a decentralized digital landscape. It will connect a large number of people worldwide and offer revolutionary opportunities for interaction, the exchange of values and the creation of new economic systems. With this in mind, Lab Web3 aims to identify and highlight the impact of Web3 on the different areas of Lab Metaverse and to inform, support and positively influence it through publications.
- Achim Hepp
Head of Marketing, CNS E-Business Academy GmbH
Deputy Head of the Lead
- Tobias Flosdorf
Client Service Director Digital, MUTABOR Technologies GmbH