Digital Video — Digital video content and video advertising are important drivers of the digital economy.

About the Focus group

The Digital Video Focus Group is a platform for industry participants from producing, publishing, advertising and technology. We develop standards, inform about trends and provide information and support. Our focus is on the needs of users. Standardized distribution of moving image content and access via all end devices is the most important task.


We promote the dynamic use of video content in the digital economy. Through standards, recommendations and assistance, we support the optimal use of digital video content and video advertising. 


We strive to expand our leading role in shaping and developing the digital video market and to drive the further development of the digital economy by promoting innovative approaches. 


In our labs, we focus on the specific applications of digital video content and video advertising. The Connected TV Lab has set itself the goal of monitoring current developments in the CTV field by providing a forum for discussion, analysis of technical standards, and deriving recommendations for the German market, serving as an expert think tank.

In a publication of the same name, the Lab Digital Video Guide provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the market for digital video and in particular the digital video advertising market in Germany.


Lab Connected TV

Thesis: “Connected TV will be the dominant form of consumption of video content on the big screen in the near future.” As an expert think tank, the BVDW’s CTV Lab has set itself the goal of accompanying current developments in the field of CTV by providing a forum for discussion, analysis of technical standards, for example, and the derivation of recommendations for the German market.  

For the purposes of the Lab, Connected TV is defined as follows: 

  • Moving image content streamed via the Internet  
  • on connected TV devices (e.g. smart TVs, streaming sticks, hybrid set-top boxes, etc.) and   
  • possibly monetized through CTV advertising in the form of in-stream video advertising (e.g. pre-/mid-roll) and home screen advertising in the aforementioned environments.

A particular focus of the CTV Lab is on market education and standardization for the efficient design of programmatic video campaigns in the Connected TV innovation environment. 

The goal is to accompany the advancing automation and to build bridges to explain existing and new standards (e.g., IAB Tech Lab) while developing and making recommendations for the German market accessible. 

The work in the Lab also aims to identify any gaps and market specifics, monitor them and propose any necessary adjustments. Together with its various industry participants, the CTV Lab also aims to derive opinions and viewpoints in order to be able to speak to the press and at specialist events.   

To enable growth and trust in the CTV ecosystem, the CTV Lab will develop concrete recommendations and make best cases available in order to position them in the market as a neutral representation of the interests of the digital economy.  

We develop the CTV recommendations and guidelines of today, discover the trends of tomorrow and accompany CTV in the digital video market of the future. 

Connected TV streaming in Germany – device environments.   


  • Dr. Oliver Friedrich 

Deputy Head of Labs 

  • Dustin Puschmann 
  • Erwin Senk 


Michael Möller
Visoon Video Impact
Gregor Fellner
Deputy chairman
Rakuten Advertising Germany GmbH
Sina Kleinikel
Deputy chairwoman
Factor Eleven
Dr. Oliver Friedrich
Deputy chairman


Ina Franke
Senior Program Manager
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